Kevin Skrzysowski
Legal Director

Kevin Skrzysowski is an attorney and Director with Certum Group.
Kevin utilizes Certum Group’s proprietary quantitative and qualitative processes and more than 20 years of legal and business expertise to help companies and their counsel design optimal litigation risk transfer solutions in order to achieve their legal, businesses and financial objectives.
A frequent author on litigation risk assessment, Kevin’s articles have been featured in in Law360, American Lawyer Media, Today’s General Counsel, and the Corporate Counsel Business Journal. Kevin also hosts the podcast, Alternative Litigation Strategies, where he interviews esteemed members of the bar on litigation and settlement trends and strategies.
Prior to joining Certum Group, Kevin worked with law firms to design customized business solutions while working at Bloomberg’s Legal Division, Thompson Reuters, and Lexis Nexis.
Recent Articles by Kevin Skrzysowski
Russian Bots and Organized Crime Found a New Source of Money: U.S. Class Action Settlements
Exploiting access to free money has now taken a dark turn costing companies millions of dollars in waste, fraud, and abuse. Current conventional wisdom among administrators is that they are concerned about organized crime and bad actors, filing tens or hundreds...
How Do Companies and In-House Departments Assess Legal Risk?
Certum Group, which provides bespoke risk transfer solutions for companies facing the uncertainty of litigation, has launched its second annual Litigation Risk Survey to understand how companies and in-house departments assess litigation risk. Last year, general...
Litigation Risk Survey Finds Large In-House Workloads, Tight Resources and Missed Opportunities to Transfer Risk
In-house legal departments say they are facing growing litigation burdens with limited staffing and financial resources—and yet most have not taken advantage of tools like risk transfer products to help manage workloads and ease budget uncertainty. The 2022 Litigation...
Legal Operations Must Embrace Innovation
Legal proceedings shut down with all other nonessential industries as a result of COVID-19-related closures. Now, the courts are akin to opened floodgates, resulting in a surge of litigation swamping companies around the globe. A June 2021 Reuters study found that the...
Reducing Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Public-Notice Class Action Settlements
In settlements in which consumers self-identify as class members, the question is not whether there will be fraud but rather the extent, nature, and cost of the fraudulent claims filed. By way of example, in a state-wide settlement on behalf of class members who...
Will Your Settlement go Viral and Create a Run on the Bank?
When assessing financial risk arising out of a class action settlement, companies need to consider whether a proposed settlement is likely to go viral. The four factors below should help guide the analysis: Brand Awareness: Well-known, well-recognized consumer...