Litigation Funding w/Insurance

Win More by Risking Less


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At Certum Group, we have created the first and only litigation risk transfer platform which combines insurance, premium finance, and litigation funding. We design bespoke solutions — for companies, litigants, and law firms — which bring certainty to the uncertain world of litigation.

Our underwriting team — comprised of former litigators, judicial clerks, actuaries, and financial professionals — design risk transfer and funding solutions to meet legal, business, and financial objectives. While it is true, that any funder can provide non-recourse debt and charge either interest, MOIC, or some combination thereof, no other company can wrap litigation outcome risk with insurance, making funding more cost effective and easier to secure. With outcome certainty, we can monetize a law firm’s work in progress (WIP), contingent fee recovery, or the companies’ future settlement or judgment. This provides immediate liquidity and removes outcome uncertainty. We can also purchase assets which are illiquid and whose value will be controlled by the outcome of uncertain litigation. We will underwrite the litigation risk and provide immediate solutions including an outright purchase.

We have a broad mandate matched with significant capital to fund. If you have meritorious litigation risk, we want to speak with you. Whether you are a corporation wanting to monetize legal assets or fund commercial contingent litigation like intellectual property or breach of contract claims, a law firm seeking improved cash flow or obtain downside risk protection or wanting insurance to guarantee the outcome of litigation without the need or requirement of funding, we will craft solutions that fit your specific needs and help you win more by risking less.

Certum Group will provide at least $1 million in stand-alone financing for litigation which typically falls within one or more of the following areas:

  • Antitrust
  • Intellectual Property
  • Business Torts
  • Contract Disputes
  • Novel litigation theories resulting in substantial recoveries

Next Steps

To arrange a confidential consultation, discuss your specific needs, or learn more about how we can meet your financial and business objectives, please email us, call us at (214) 570-3661 or click the Contact Us button on this page. We look forward to helping you solve any financial and legal uncertainty arising from existing or threatened litigation.

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