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Contigent Fee Insurance

Contigent Fee Insurance

Contingent fee insurance, commonly referred to as WIP Insurance which stands for “work in progress” provides a guarantee that a lawyer who is handling a matter on a contingent fee basis, or a company that has a contingent claim will receive all or part of the time and expenses they have invested in a case regardless of outcome. 

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Judgment Preservation Insurance (JPI)

Judgment Preservation Insurance (JPI) In this video, Kevin Skrzysowski, Director at Certum Group, takes a deep dive into the firm's Judgment Preservation Insurance solution, how it works, along with some examples of how law firms and in-house legal departments can benefit.

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Litigation Buyout (LBO) Insurance

Litigation Buyout (LBO) Insurance

In this video, Kevin Skrzysowski, Director at Certum Group, takes a deep dive into the firm’s Litigation Buyout (LBO) Insurance solution, how it works, along with some examples of how law firms and in-house legal departments can benefit.

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